International flights from mid-September on cards for Vietnam

TD Editor

Vietnam’s Civil Aviation Authority is working on a plan to resume international flights from 15 September with all passengers quarantined for 14 days upon arrival in the country, according to a post on the government’s website, which cited Dinh Viet Thang, director of Civil Aviation Authority.

Japan and South Korea are first on the list. Vietnam will have four trips per week planned for each route. The plan is still being discussed with the transport ministry along with the ministries of foreign affairs, defence, health and labour.

International flights to Vietnam stopped on q April in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Local airlines took a hit and lost an estimated USD 4 billion this year.

Other ASEAN countries are, at this stage, largely closed to international traffic although some hubs are still being used for passengers to transit flights.

(Source: Bloomberg)


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