Kenya’s Best Wild Life Travel Guide

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Kenya, in East Africa, is home to wildlife like rhinos, elephants, and lions. It grabs the top position in the list of the best safari destinations in Africa.

More than 80,000  tourists across the globe witness to glimpse its safari views and wildlife areas like the Great Wildebeest Migration and Masai Mara National Reserve.

Planning a trip to Kenya, being a wildlife lover or thrill to capture astonishing memories in your life, is an appreciating idea. Tour with your family or buddies will give a superb-enthralling experience, which is unexpected from other tourist places.

Now, with the visa process to Kenya even easier, with eVisa, but lacking with Kenya safari guide will keep your trip unglamorous and somehow bored. So, continue reading the below-written safari guide of Kenya until it ends.

Location and landscape


Kenya is the smallest country in East Africa; Nairobi is its capital. Jomo Kenyatta, an international airport is an airport used by safari travellers. South Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania are neighbouring countries of Kenya.

Travellers must consider Nairobi as a central point, east, west, south, and north are the major areas of this capital.

Southern Kenya

The southern part of Kenya is mostly wetter. It connects Kenya’s border with Tanzania, which is the highest peak in Africa. Also, you can witness the glacier-capped Mount Kilimanjaro over there.

Further, be sure, to move to Amboseli while in southern Kenya as it has a fantastic mix of wetlands, savannah, hills, and woodlands. Thus, you will witness the wide variety of species from tiny bats to elephants. West National Parks, Chyulu Hills, and Tsavo East are also nearby the southern part of Kenya.

Also, head to Hit Diani and Galu beach for experiencing water sports like kitesurfing. To get into diving or snorkelling, Funzi island is the best and even nearly it.

Central Kenya

Central Kenya is most populated as having Nairobi National Park, the most conservation areas. Lakes Naivasha and Nakuru are also pleasant places there. Aberdare Mountains are also nearby central Kenya where land becomes lush and green in the rainy season.

Northern Kenya

Northern Kenya is the astonishing safari option as of having Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Samburu National Park, Laikipia, Somali ostrich and Grevy’s zebra. To take the glimpse of rhino, be sure to Lewa as this has consistent and regular rhinos.

Western Kenya

Masai Mara National Reserve in the west of Kenya is limelight for this country. Annual Wildebeest Migration (the world’s largest animal migration) is organized at Masai Mara where 2 million animals migrate every year. From July to November, you can head there to find massive zebra and wildebeest herds. Thus, this month is the right time to start your process for a Kenya visa.

Why is Masia Mara the best place for migration? Because it is a flat and open place offering superb grazing options for animals. Also, it has thick forests and high peaks with green grass which gets light golden when seasons pass. Further, the plain at Masai Mara influences plain games like reticulated, topi, Thomson gazelle, and Masai giraffe.

Cost for a Kenyan safari?

It is really challenging to get the exact cost of a Kenyan safari. It is not constant as it has many variables. The cost is all dependent upon the accommodation, flights, safari places, activities you will participate like spa treatments, ballooning, mountain biking, etc. and also beverages you will devour.

Also, if you will plan a long trip with your family, then you have to spend a lot from your pocket. For a short trip, you will manage smoothly. Anyways, a trip to Kenya is always highly exciting and indelible.

4 reasons to glimpse the wildlife at Kenya

Undoubtedly, Kenya is the best safari hub as of Masai Mara as of the following reasons:

  • Roads are maintained very well.
  • English is the primary language to converse.
  • The land is open and flat and gives a 360-degree view.
  • Special treatment is established between the conservationists, tribal landowners, government and safari operators. In brief, the perfect balance between nature, human and agriculture is maintained.

Do you want to see wildebeest migration?

The biggest wildlife gem of Kenya is Wildebeest Migration, wherein migration of around two million wildebeest over the Mara Riven into the Masai Mara. Further, in that place, they devour on thousands of hectares of fresh grazing. The fact is, they kept hanging for about 4-5 months and gradually mowed the Mara between July and November, at the time, and they crossed back in Tanzania.

Remember the following guide before heading to this place:

Book your accommodation a year before as it is the major safari destination of Africa. Also, get your visa in advance too, else you have to wait.

It is not defined when the wildebeest will cross the Mara River. Might be, a large group of animals will pass through or a small one. The fact is, this suspense will make your safari trip superb.

This is really a popular phenomenon. Therefore, it is suggested to stay in private reserves rather than public to get away from big crowds.

Experiencing chases and kills is a thrilling activity. However, those with faint-heart should be kept away to take such glimpses.

Best time to plan for Kenya Safari

The Kenya safari guide is incomplete without knowing the best time to travel to this country. To get a clear picture, a table has framed below:

Months January to June July to November
Weather Hot, but afternoon thundershowers Calm and cool but not rainy
Season Summer and Spring Winter and Autumn
Landscape Green and lush Dusty and dry
View highlights Birds, bugs, and babies Wildebeest Migration


Combine your trip to other destinations!

To make your trip super-excited, you should head to other high-profile destinations in Africa such as:

  • South Africa: It is famous for the Garden Route, Kruger National Park and Cape Town.
  • Malawi: Lake Malawi is the best to experience incredible snorkelling.
  • Zimbabwe: The best for experiencing classic safari and Victoria Falls.
  • Uganda: The best place for gorilla trekking lovers
  • Tanzania: The best to do the safari on the Serengeti
  • Zambia: The best for a walking safari

Therefore, if you make have enough time and of course money, then you will surely make a plan to visit the above destination on your Kenya tour.

Best for the family: A trip to Kenya

Exploring Kenya with your family instead of alone will give you beyond than expected pleasure. If your family has adult children, then you must plan it very soon as they will learn a lot along with enjoying it.

Best for honeymoon couple: A trip to Kenya

A Kenya trip is not only recommended for family, being newly married, but you must also plan your honeymoon in this wildlife country. A long trip for Kenya is recommended for couples as they have to make their time special and indelible.


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