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CAA aims for fairer ATOL scheme

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has proposed ditching the Small Business ATOL (SBA) scheme as it launches consultations with the travel industry over ATOL.   The organisation is…

ABTA submits ATOL response

ABTA members have called for one government department to lead package travel and ATOL, following a previous call for one regulator by the Association of ATOL Companies (AAC). The…

DfT calls for ATOL feedback

Travel agents have been encouraged to express their views into the ATOL scheme after the Department for Transport (DfT) called for feedback. The consultation from the DfT aims to look…

ATOL certificates become law

ATOL certificates have become the law today as the industry continues to ask for more consumer protection for holidays and clarity. From today it will be the law for travel agents to issue…

Travel Republic secures ATOL

Online travel agent Travel Republic has obtained an ATOL licence for flight and hotel bookings. The OTA, which already covers all bookings through its Total Financial Protection Plan, said…
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