Hong Kong, Shenzhen airports team up to provide “more options for travellers”

TD Guest Writer

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Fred Lam seals the partnership with Wang Yang
Fred Lam seals the partnership with Wang Yang

A new agreement has been signed that will strengthen the aviation links between Hong Kong and neighbouring Shenzhen.

Hong Kong’s Airport Authority (AA) has penned a deal with Shenzhen Airport Management Company that aims to “synergise the development” of the two cities’ airports.

The partnership was signed by Fred Lam, chief executive officer of the AA, and Wang Yang, president of the Shenzhen Airport Management Company.

“The agreement has been signed after many rounds of meetings between the two parties. The strengthened cooperation between the two airports can enhance the optimisation of airspace resources in PRD (Pearl River Delta) region,” said Lam. He added that the two airports will also support the medium- and long-term expansion plans of each other.

The agreement outlines various areas of cooperation between Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport (SZIA). These include the establishment of a designated immigration channel at Shenzhen Bay for passengers and vehicles travelling between the two airports, and the enhancement of sea and land transport services.

The two parties will also work with airlines to develop “all-in-one” tickets that include hotel accommodation and transportation option such as flight, ferry and coach tickets.

AA said that the cooperation will provide “more options for travellers in terms of air ticket prices and flight schedules”.

At present, HKIA and SZIA operate the “Fly via Hong Kong” and “Fly via Shenzhen” services, which provide both passenger and baggage check-in services to travellers of the other airport. There are also 14 ferries and more than 80 coaches and limousines operating between the two hubs.



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